Week 51 – Philippians, 1 Timothy, Titus, 1 Peter, Hebrews

- Dec 17 Philippians 1-4
- Dec 18 1 Timothy 1-6
- Dec 19 Titus 1-3
- Dec 20 1 Peter 1-5
- Dec 21 Hebrews 1-6
- Dec 22 Hebrews 7-10
- Dec 23 Hebrews 11-13
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Brief overview of the passages for this week:
Paul wrote this book while he was in prison in Rome to the Christians in Philippi. This letter is filled with thankfulness and joy.
1 Timothy
This is the first of two letters Paul wrote to Timothy. Paul was ministering in Ephesus when he wrote the first letter. Paul wrote to encourage Timothy as he was quite young and had many responsibilities in his church. This letter deals with qualifications and duties of pastors.
Paul wrote to Titus to tell him how to better serve the church in Crete.
1 Peter
Peter wrote the letter/book of 1 Peter to encourage the Christians scattered over the northern part of Asia Minor as they were going through much persecution. He encouraged them to remember how Christ suffered on their behalf, and he encouraged them to live holy lives.
The author of Hebrews is unknown. The book was written to encourage Jewish Christians to believe that the Christian faith is far superior to the old covenant given through Moses. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross completed all that was needed to replace the sacrifices of the Old Testament. Included in Hebrews is the great chapter of the heroes of faith in the Bible (Chapter 11)
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