Parables in Mark 4

I am excited to read the parables in chapter four of Mark, especially in the sequence one to another. It begins with Jesus pushing out into the lake because there were so many people on the shore and crowding around him. From there he taught several parables.
The Parable of the Sower is about the farmer who scattered his seed (God’s Word) in many places. The birds ate up the seeds that fell in the path. The seeds that fell in rocky places grew at first but dried up because of the rocky soil and plants with shallow roots. The seeds that fell among the thorns made plants that were choked out by the worries of this world making them unfruitful, while the seeds that fell on good soil produced a crop. I often feel discouraged with my own life and the seemingly lack of fruitfulness and order. But as I continued to read the other parables, I felt more encouraged.
A Lamp on a Stand. I wish my lamp shone more brightly. I don’t want it hidden under a bushel. I’ll not elaborate on my personal issues but feel my light is still hidden. I write children’s books and blog, but circulation is discouragingly low. Praying that God will help me find the right stand for my light to shine better.
The Parable of the Growing Seed makes me feel more hopeful. Maybe it will for you as well. God has planted his seed in our hearts and it is growing while we are awake and while we are asleep. Let it grow, let it grow, let it grow!!!
The Parable of the Mustard Seed. One more encouraging word. May our faith grow like the mustard seed. Lord help us to continually feed on your Word and spend time in worship and prayer while You grow our faith like that of the mustard seed.
Jesus Calms the Storm. This isn’t a parable, but it immediately followed this teaching. The Twelve Disciples were crossing the lake in a boat with Jesus when a great storm came up terrifying even the fishermen among the Disciples, yet Jesus was sleeping through it all. When they woke Jesus up, he calmed the storm with his words. Lord give us the faith to know that you are right here with us through any and all of our storms. May we ever grow in our relationship with you and in our faith. Amen.
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