Why did Jesus curse the fig tree? (Mark 11:12-26)

Read Mark 11:12-26. Jesus was hungry. He went to a fig tree he saw from a distance. It had leaves but no figs. It wasn’t the season for figs. Yet Jesus cursed the fig tree for not having any fruit.
We don’t know if Jesus might have commanded it to produce fruit and it refused—likely just far-fetched speculation or the passage would have said this. A more feasible explanation is that in the spring, figs often appear ahead of the leaves, perhaps giving the impression that there would be figs on the tree.
Immediately following this incident Jesus confronted the marketeers and money changers turning over their tables and not allowing any merchandise inside the temple, after which the chief priests and teachers of the law began looking for a way to kill Jesus.
The very next morning Peter noticed and pointed out the withered fig tree. At this point Jesus turned the incident with the fig tree into an example of what the disciples would be able to do if they had faith. Jesus told them they could command a mountain to throw itself into the sea and it would be done for them.
What are the conditions for this to happen?
- Believe it will happen and do not doubt.
- Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe you have received it and it will be yours.
- While praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them so that your father in heaven may forgive your sins.
It seems unlikely that many would have a reason to pray for a mountain to be thrown into the sea, though such a situation could develop at some point in time. And Jesus may have been referring to a mountain-sized obstacle such as many face in their lives. I believe the fig tree and the mountain were Jesus’ way of impressing upon his disciples, past and future, the power and potential of prayer.
Our prayers need to fit the situation, and desperate situations call for desperate prayers. Meanwhile, Jesus pointed out two very specific things that can block our prayers from getting answered: unbelief and unforgiveness. As the world situation gets more desperate around us, we need to examine ourselves more critically if we hope to become effective prayer warriors.
Do we truly believe God can and will answer our prayers? Do we believe he has the power to defeat the evils we are facing today? If this is an issue for you, consider asking God to help you to overcome your doubts and unbelief. Spend more time in God’s Word to increase your faith, as faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:7)
Am I holding anything against anyone who I need to forgive? Now that’s a tough question to chew on. What pains us as we think back on our lives? Are there memories lurking that still bring on tears many years later? How much do we value our prayers? If we are serious about getting answers — and forgiveness of our own sins — we must forgive anyone that we hold anything against.
There are many interpretations of the significance of the fig tree in the Scriptures, and I’m sure there are additional take-aways that can be drawn from this passage along those lines. I’m in no way trying to minimize them. Rather I confess that I don’t know enough to elaborate effectively on them. We are all learning.
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Photo credit for this image is from Free Bible Images.com where you can enjoy this passage in pictures and share it with children.
Why did Jesus curse the fig tree? (Mark 11:12-26) — No Comments
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