5x5x5 New Testament Bible Reading Plan by Navigators

Over the past four years I have been following various intensive Bible reading plans, and I have benefited greatly from what I’ve learned. The greater portion of the Bible is Old Testament and through the time spent in studying it I am better grounded for understanding the New Testament. This year I plan to focus more intently on the New Testament with a sincere desire to gain greater insights for applying what I read to my own life and personal growth.
The Navigators have created a “5x5x5 New Testament Bible Reading Plan.” The reading calls for one chapter a day for five days a week. So the first 5 stands for 5 minutes a day and the second 5 stands for 5 days a week. The third 5 stands for their 5 suggestions for ways to dig deeper into the readings. These are all listed on the downloadable PDF file. Print it on both sides of a single sheet of paper and fold it so it will fit nicely into your Bible.
This plan appears to be exactly what I’ve been looking for. It will allow more time for personal reflection and leaves room for other Bible studies as well throughout the year. For many, this Bible reading plan may be ideal for a different reason as it may be the first time to accept a serious Bible reading challenge.
I invite any and all to join me in the “5x5x5 New Testament Bible Reading Plan.” I may or may not make posts along to correspond to what I’m reading, as I too often over-commit and stress out over it later. So enjoy the posts as they appear and forgive what doesn’t get written and posted. Stay faithful to reading your Bible and listening to the true teacher, the Holy Spirit.