…Jesus Christ… was crucified…
Roman soldiers crucified Christ Jesus on a cross – the most cruel form of death by torture that humanity has ever inflicted on people. The soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross through his hands and his feet. To breathe, he had to lift himself up inflicting even more pain on himself or he would suffocate.
Prior to his crucifixion, Pilate’s soldiers had subjected Jesus to flogging, more pain and ridicule. He was then forced to walk from Jerusalem to Golgotha carrying his own cross for the crucifixion. He carried his cross until he could carry it no further. Then soldiers forced a man named Simon from Cyrene to carry it the rest of the way.
Each of the four Gospels tells the crucifixion a little differently. Some skeptics try to use these variances as an excuse to shed doubt that it happened. But anyone willing to truly consider the scriptures can easily recognize that the slight differences only add authenticity to the account. Any time there is an event as huge as the crucifixion that shapes the course of history, there is confusion and discrepancy in the telling based on who saw what and who they were talking to. These perceived differences are only in the minor details, not in the over all account.
I urge you to read the following passages for yourself about the crucifixion:
The Seven Last Sayings of Jesus Christ: